At Tapping Solutions, we strive to offer even greater availability than our larger competitors while not compromising the quality of service.
We focus on catering our products and services to provide the greatest benefit to our customers. At Tapping Solutions we are known for just that, providing SOLUTIONS!!
We are guided by 3 core values that are deeply woven in all we do!
We Focus on the Win-Win: This means we are not a sales-driven company, but instead we are a relationship driven company. We have always focused on taking care of the customer, knowing that if it is not good for the customer; ultimately, it is not good for us. In this industry the term “the customer is always right” isn’t always applicable. Because our customers are far more than just customers, we strive to offer solutions that give our customer exactly what they need at the end of the day. We purpose to build mutually beneficial relationships with everyone we work with; from contractors to oil and gas producers.
We Pride Ourselves in Being Light on Our Feet: We know that our industry is notorious for hurry up and wait, and we all love to plan ahead and schedule months in advance. In the real world that is not the way it works. Sometimes the project that just landed on your desk has a completion date of yesterday! So, when a customer calls us to say they need a miracle, that is what we strive to give them. A lifetime of focusing on "The Win-Win" for our customers has given us many connections and resources. This allows us the ability to “pull rabbits out of the hat” on a regular basis. When you need something done tomorrow, the next day, or three months from now, give us a call, and we will make it happen!
Last and Most Important, We Focus on Batting a Thousand: – Nobody is perfect. But in what we do, we take every step and precaution so that we are always perfecting our craft. We are devoted in what we do and strive to always provide the safest and most professional service possible. From the quality and efficiency of the equipment we use to the quality and design of the pipeline products we provide, we implement the safest procedures to insure it. Our motto is “Everyone goes home tonight”. Finding and mitigating AOCs are a huge part of what we do every day. Safety and quality is our aim and we make our living achieving them consistently.